Sunday, January 18, 2015

Three Reasons Against Biotechnology (Primary)

This source is an article from the Journal of Medical Ethics. In this article, Pijnenburg and Leget (2006) discussed three reasons against the use of genetic engineering for eternal life. Their strongest argument was about justice, i.e. the constant battle between rich and poor, and how to be fair to everyone with no regard to money or status. In this article, they claimed that it would be impossible to come to a totally fair agreement, and thus would present a problem when implementing genetic engineering. Their other two arguments focused on the meaning of life. Overall, Pijnenburg and Leget (2006) concluded that by focusing on extending life, we would forget to consider the quality of that life. Moreover, they reasoned that if humans appreciate and celebrate the lives they are given, they would not be concerned with time (p. 585-587). This article presented a strong argument against extending life with genetic engineering and proved to be an excellent source of information.

Pijnenburg, M. A. & Leget, C. (2006). Who wants to live forever? Three arguments against extending the human lifespan. Journal of Medical Ethics, 33, 585-587. doi: 10.1136/sme.2006.017822

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