Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Walia's word on stem cells

In this article, Walia talks about current and/or recent research going on in stem cells and what good they are for humanity and its prosperity. Walia speaks about one article in particular, a study done by Mitra Lavasani in 2012, in which they figured out how to make mice age faster and thus see the process of aging from another perspective. While indeed happy with the advancements from the technology, she seems to share the same view that a good portion of the populace shares, and that is that she does not want to extend her human life. Despite the fact that her views conflict with my own, her points will certainly be a big help in the building of my case regardless.

Walia, A. (2014, March 3). Stem cells could extend human life by over 200 years. Retrieved from

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